
Bondi Law is poised to deliver affordable services to its clients and you can be assured the legal team at Bondi Law will treat you with respect, humility, dignity and understanding.

Regarding criminal work you will be fully appraised for your matter, be it a drink driving charge, domestic violence, drug related offence or any other criminal charge. At Bondi Law, we will put your interests first to ensure that justice is always served.

In other matters including conveyancing, migration law, family law and financial claims we will represent you to obtain optimum results for your circumstances.

John Nathan's team has an outstanding track record and has successfully represented clients across Local, Federal and State Courts. His team of lawyers are skilled and experienced in all areas of the law.



Communication with our clients is important and you will always know the status of your case and all the possible outcomes. We are here to help you and if you have questions in relation to your case our lawyers are always on hand.